
16 Game Reviews

9 w/ Responses

Fun game! Though I am stuck. I don't know how to destroy the monkey plush, or where to plce the light bulb or where to find the battery?

Loved the action!

Loved the game, but I was confused when I got the star and had one last item to find and it just ended abruptly. Was I supposed to get that last?

ninjamuffin99 responds:

my bad. Not that item in particular, but it ends when u get 1 less item than you should

The text on the scroll is hard to read

Wolod responds:

I saw a letsplay once where text on scroll appeared to be white (and therefore hard to read) but it is supposed to be dark brown. I guess that your browser doesn't support WebGL effects of maybe you've disabled them because I use a simple WebGL shader to change the color of text.

You seem to have a pretty good game. But I'd recommend you make the grappling mechanic a bit more consistent. There are moments where I often find myself swinging back and forth around the towers and can't get any momentum most of the time

Mrnewt responds:

Gotcha, the mechanic is setup to go back and forth, but in this case it should probably just go forward.

Why does it keep sending me backwards?

JeffreyDriver responds:

Check the wind current gauge on the left of the screen.

Anyone notice the many different looks on the customers? Good consistency.

All I'm getting is a black screen with the cursor, it won't let me play.

kypello responds:

Ok, well that's not my fault. Not a reason to rate so low. In fact don't rate at all unless you have actually played it.

Age 24

Joined on 10/29/18

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